Are you a Harley-Davidson® Owner looking to join the Huronia H.O.G.® Chapter?
Before you can become an official Huronia H.O.G.® Chapter member, you must first be registered with the Harley Owners Group of Canada.
Follow this link: https://members.hog.com/ to create your account.

After completing the application and becoming an official H.O.G member, the next step is to sign-up with our Chapter. Please use the link below to download and complete the Huronia H.O.G.® Chapter enrollment form.
The form can be filled out using Adobe PDF reader or it can be printed and filled in manually. Once this form is completed, please bring it to Barrie Harley-Davidson to be submitted and processed. Please note the yearly member fee of $20 (cash only) will need to be presented with this form. All memberships collected go right back into the Chapter for chapter related events and activities.
[Click Below to Download]
HOG Chapter Membership Enrollment Form
(Click to download a registration form)